16 Star

17:12 - spiny07
soda_j: click on go to next raace when down
soda_j: well alright
DeantheGodOfBeans: I thinkin about practicing for a moment
soda_j: im down to run it back
soda_j: all good
DeantheGodOfBeans: Guys I swear im better than this
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
DeantheGodOfBeans abandoned the race
spiny07 confirmed their time - 17:12
DeantheGodOfBeansBLJs | 19:46 | 92%
spiny07 finished the race - 20:15
soda_j confirmed their time - 17:25
DeantheGodOfBeansKey 2 | 17:45 | 84%
DeantheGodOfBeansKey 2 | 17:45 | 84%
DeantheGodOfBeansKey 2 | 17:44 | 84%
DeantheGodOfBeansKey 2 | 17:44 | 84%
soda_j finished the race - 17:25
DeantheGodOfBeansKey 2 | 16:39 | 79%
DeantheGodOfBeansFire Sea Pipe | 15:47 | 77%
DeantheGodOfBeansDDD (16) | 14:44 | 71%
soda_jBITFS | 14:39 | 84%
soda_jDDD | 14:03 | 80%
DeantheGodOfBeansstupidwabbit | 13:55 | 68%
DeantheGodOfBeansHMC (15) | 12:59 | 63%
DeantheGodOfBeansLLL (12) | 11:40 | 56%
soda_jHMC | 11:32 | 66%
DeantheGodOfBeansSSL (11) | 10:54 | 53%
soda_jLLL | 10:16 | 58%
soda_jSSL | 09:14 | 52%
DeantheGodOfBeansKey 1 | 08:55 | 44%
soda_jBITDW | 08:13 | 47%
DeantheGodOfBeansBitDW (9) | 08:16 | 41%
DeantheGodOfBeansCCM (8) | 06:44 | 33%
soda_jCCM | 06:02 | 35%
DeantheGodOfBeansWF (6) | 05:03 | 25%
soda_jWF | 04:39 | 27%
DeantheGodOfBeansBOB (1) | 01:43 | 9%
soda_j split
soda_j: glgl
Race has started
Countdown started!
spiny07 is ready
soda_j is ready


Top Ratings
1674 - CapruSin
1664 - Vadien
Top Times This Month
17:07 - BizzareScape
17:12 - Bombs64
PB - 17:081533+33Done

PB - 15:461506+6Done

PB - 17:591380-39DNF

Abandoned - 22:19
soda_j: click on go to next raace when down
soda_j: well alright
DeantheGodOfBeans: I thinkin about practicing for a moment
soda_j: im down to run it back
soda_j: all good
DeantheGodOfBeans: Guys I swear im better than this
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
DeantheGodOfBeans abandoned the race
spiny07 confirmed their time - 17:12
DeantheGodOfBeansBLJs | 19:46 | 92%
spiny07 finished the race - 20:15
soda_j confirmed their time - 17:25
DeantheGodOfBeansKey 2 | 17:45 | 84%
DeantheGodOfBeansKey 2 | 17:45 | 84%
DeantheGodOfBeansKey 2 | 17:44 | 84%
DeantheGodOfBeansKey 2 | 17:44 | 84%
soda_j finished the race - 17:25
DeantheGodOfBeansKey 2 | 16:39 | 79%
DeantheGodOfBeansFire Sea Pipe | 15:47 | 77%
DeantheGodOfBeansDDD (16) | 14:44 | 71%
soda_jBITFS | 14:39 | 84%
soda_jDDD | 14:03 | 80%
DeantheGodOfBeansstupidwabbit | 13:55 | 68%
DeantheGodOfBeansHMC (15) | 12:59 | 63%
DeantheGodOfBeansLLL (12) | 11:40 | 56%
soda_jHMC | 11:32 | 66%
DeantheGodOfBeansSSL (11) | 10:54 | 53%
soda_jLLL | 10:16 | 58%
soda_jSSL | 09:14 | 52%
DeantheGodOfBeansKey 1 | 08:55 | 44%
soda_jBITDW | 08:13 | 47%
DeantheGodOfBeansBitDW (9) | 08:16 | 41%
DeantheGodOfBeansCCM (8) | 06:44 | 33%
soda_jCCM | 06:02 | 35%
DeantheGodOfBeansWF (6) | 05:03 | 25%
soda_jWF | 04:39 | 27%
DeantheGodOfBeansBOB (1) | 01:43 | 9%
soda_j split
soda_j: glgl
Race has started
Countdown started!
spiny07 is ready
soda_j is ready


Top Ratings
1674 - CapruSin
1664 - Vadien
Top Times This Month
17:07 - BizzareScape
17:12 - Bombs64