All Levels (Console)

All Levels - Runback Race


30:29 - ShadowKnight283
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
fergameplays0912 abandoned the race
InfinityGene_ commented: "HELLO"
InfinityGene_ finished the race - 35:03
KeidaKennedy commented: ""You grotesque dangly dick" - Cruella"
InfinityGene_Toy Factory | 33:36 | 95%
KeidaKennedy finished the race - 33:16
KeidaKennedyToy Factory | 31:13 | 94%
ShadowKnight283 confirmed their time - 30:29
ShadowKnight283 finished the race - 30:29
InfinityGene_De Vil Manor | 30:44 | 87%
InfinityGene_Hedge Maze | 29:37 | 84%
ShadowKnight283Toy Factory | 29:00 | 94%
InfinityGene_Spooky Forest | 28:05 | 79%
KeidaKennedyDe Vil Manor | 27:30 | 83%
ShadowKnight283De Vil Manor | 26:19 | 82%
KeidaKennedyHedge Maze | 26:31 | 80%
InfinityGene_Cruella 3 | 26:09 | 75%
ShadowKnight283Hedge Maze | 25:18 | 79%
KeidaKennedySpooky Forest | 24:55 | 75%
InfinityGene_Ancient Castle | 24:43 | 71%
KeidaKennedyCruella III | 24:02 | 72%
ShadowKnight283Spooky Forest | 23:35 | 73%
KeidaKennedyAncient Castle | 23:00 | 68%
InfinityGene_Ice Festival | 23:09 | 65%
ShadowKnight283Cruella 3 | 22:42 | 70%
ShadowKnight283Ancient Castle | 21:46 | 68%
KeidaKennedyIce Festival | 21:30 | 64%
InfinityGene_Barnyard | 21:20 | 59%
ShadowKnight283Ice Festival | 20:28 | 63%
KeidaKennedyBarnyard | 19:53 | 58%
ShadowKnight283Barnyard | 18:44 | 58%
InfinityGene_Countryside | 16:04 | 42%
InfinityGene_Cruella 2 | 15:09 | 40%
KeidaKennedyCountryside | 14:46 | 43%
ShadowKnight283Countryside | 14:08 | 42%
InfinityGene_Lumber Mill | 14:22 | 37%
KeidaKennedyCruella II | 13:50 | 40%
ShadowKnight283Cruella 2 | 13:14 | 39%
KeidaKennedyLumber Mill | 13:08 | 38%
ShadowKnight283Lumber Mill | 12:25 | 37%
InfinityGene_Carnival | 12:28 | 32%
InfinityGene_The Underground | 11:53 | 31%
KeidaKennedyCarnival | 11:36 | 33%
KeidaKennedyUnderground | 11:03 | 31%
ShadowKnight283Carnival | 10:41 | 32%
ShadowKnight283The Underground | 10:09 | 30%


Top Ratings
1546 - Sotaleer
1542 - passere
1537 - GBsaysHi
Top Times This Month
No PB1527+48Done

No PB1514+14Done

""You grotesque dangly dick" - Cruella"
No PB1490-11Done

No PB1449-51DNF

Abandoned - 2:24:49
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
fergameplays0912 abandoned the race
InfinityGene_ commented: "HELLO"
InfinityGene_ finished the race - 35:03
KeidaKennedy commented: ""You grotesque dangly dick" - Cruella"
InfinityGene_Toy Factory | 33:36 | 95%
KeidaKennedy finished the race - 33:16
KeidaKennedyToy Factory | 31:13 | 94%
ShadowKnight283 confirmed their time - 30:29
ShadowKnight283 finished the race - 30:29
InfinityGene_De Vil Manor | 30:44 | 87%
InfinityGene_Hedge Maze | 29:37 | 84%
ShadowKnight283Toy Factory | 29:00 | 94%
InfinityGene_Spooky Forest | 28:05 | 79%
KeidaKennedyDe Vil Manor | 27:30 | 83%
ShadowKnight283De Vil Manor | 26:19 | 82%
KeidaKennedyHedge Maze | 26:31 | 80%
InfinityGene_Cruella 3 | 26:09 | 75%
ShadowKnight283Hedge Maze | 25:18 | 79%
KeidaKennedySpooky Forest | 24:55 | 75%
InfinityGene_Ancient Castle | 24:43 | 71%
KeidaKennedyCruella III | 24:02 | 72%
ShadowKnight283Spooky Forest | 23:35 | 73%
KeidaKennedyAncient Castle | 23:00 | 68%
InfinityGene_Ice Festival | 23:09 | 65%
ShadowKnight283Cruella 3 | 22:42 | 70%
ShadowKnight283Ancient Castle | 21:46 | 68%
KeidaKennedyIce Festival | 21:30 | 64%
InfinityGene_Barnyard | 21:20 | 59%
ShadowKnight283Ice Festival | 20:28 | 63%
KeidaKennedyBarnyard | 19:53 | 58%
ShadowKnight283Barnyard | 18:44 | 58%
InfinityGene_Countryside | 16:04 | 42%
InfinityGene_Cruella 2 | 15:09 | 40%
KeidaKennedyCountryside | 14:46 | 43%
ShadowKnight283Countryside | 14:08 | 42%
InfinityGene_Lumber Mill | 14:22 | 37%
KeidaKennedyCruella II | 13:50 | 40%
ShadowKnight283Cruella 2 | 13:14 | 39%
KeidaKennedyLumber Mill | 13:08 | 38%
ShadowKnight283Lumber Mill | 12:25 | 37%
InfinityGene_Carnival | 12:28 | 32%
InfinityGene_The Underground | 11:53 | 31%
KeidaKennedyCarnival | 11:36 | 33%
KeidaKennedyUnderground | 11:03 | 31%
ShadowKnight283Carnival | 10:41 | 32%
ShadowKnight283The Underground | 10:09 | 30%


Top Ratings
1546 - Sotaleer
1542 - passere
1537 - GBsaysHi
Top Times This Month