
1:02:43 - ZackInTheBoxx
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
Dogecyanide finished the race - 1:03:04
ZackInTheBoxx finished the race - 1:02:43
Dogecyanide{Bowsers} Mech | 57:37 | 91%
ZackInTheBoxx{Bowser's} Mech | 57:24 | 91%
Dogecyanide-Bunnies | 53:47 | 85%
ZackInTheBoxx-Bunnies | 53:33 | 85%
DogecyanideRuined | 49:19 | 78%
ZackInTheBoxxRuined | 48:16 | 78%
DogecyanideLuncheon | 46:00 | 73%
ZackInTheBoxxLuncheon | 45:00 | 73%
DogecyanideSeaside | 39:48 | 62%
ZackInTheBoxxSeaside | 38:31 | 62%
DogecyanideSnow | 36:16 | 57%
ZackInTheBoxxSnow | 34:59 | 57%
Dogecyanide{Metro} Day Metro | 31:12 | 49%
ZackInTheBoxx{Metro} Day Metro | 30:23 | 49%
Dogecyanide-Night Metro | 26:45 | 42%
ZackInTheBoxx-Night Metro | 25:58 | 42%
DogecyanideLost | 23:07 | 36%
ZackInTheBoxxLost | 22:40 | 37%
DogecyanideCloud | 20:58 | 33%
ZackInTheBoxxCloud | 20:35 | 33%
DogecyanideWooded | 19:29 | 30%
ZackInTheBoxxWooded | 19:05 | 31%
DogecyanideLake | 13:44 | 22%
ZackInTheBoxxLake | 13:24 | 22%
DogecyanideSand | 10:45 | 17%
ZackInTheBoxxSand | 10:23 | 17%
DogecyanideCascade | 05:38 | 9%
ZackInTheBoxxCascade | 05:37 | 9%
DogecyanideCap | 02:24 | 4%
ZackInTheBoxxCap | 02:23 | 4%
Race has started
ZackInTheBoxx: lets go
ZackInTheBoxx: oh good
Countdown started!
monika_luv has left the race
sb_Arkani: more like seconds
monika_luv: my god
ZackInTheBoxx: 5 minutes?
Dogecyanide: hope so
monika_luv: we're starting in like 5
ZackInTheBoxx: gl doge this should be fun
ZackInTheBoxx: ok cool


Top Ratings
1679 - Dansta2106
Top Times This Month
57:30 - BusterDoggy
PB - 55:441419+29Done

PB - 59:471400-29Done

Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
Dogecyanide finished the race - 1:03:04
ZackInTheBoxx finished the race - 1:02:43
Dogecyanide{Bowsers} Mech | 57:37 | 91%
ZackInTheBoxx{Bowser's} Mech | 57:24 | 91%
Dogecyanide-Bunnies | 53:47 | 85%
ZackInTheBoxx-Bunnies | 53:33 | 85%
DogecyanideRuined | 49:19 | 78%
ZackInTheBoxxRuined | 48:16 | 78%
DogecyanideLuncheon | 46:00 | 73%
ZackInTheBoxxLuncheon | 45:00 | 73%
DogecyanideSeaside | 39:48 | 62%
ZackInTheBoxxSeaside | 38:31 | 62%
DogecyanideSnow | 36:16 | 57%
ZackInTheBoxxSnow | 34:59 | 57%
Dogecyanide{Metro} Day Metro | 31:12 | 49%
ZackInTheBoxx{Metro} Day Metro | 30:23 | 49%
Dogecyanide-Night Metro | 26:45 | 42%
ZackInTheBoxx-Night Metro | 25:58 | 42%
DogecyanideLost | 23:07 | 36%
ZackInTheBoxxLost | 22:40 | 37%
DogecyanideCloud | 20:58 | 33%
ZackInTheBoxxCloud | 20:35 | 33%
DogecyanideWooded | 19:29 | 30%
ZackInTheBoxxWooded | 19:05 | 31%
DogecyanideLake | 13:44 | 22%
ZackInTheBoxxLake | 13:24 | 22%
DogecyanideSand | 10:45 | 17%
ZackInTheBoxxSand | 10:23 | 17%
DogecyanideCascade | 05:38 | 9%
ZackInTheBoxxCascade | 05:37 | 9%
DogecyanideCap | 02:24 | 4%
ZackInTheBoxxCap | 02:23 | 4%
Race has started
ZackInTheBoxx: lets go
ZackInTheBoxx: oh good
Countdown started!
monika_luv has left the race
sb_Arkani: more like seconds
monika_luv: my god
ZackInTheBoxx: 5 minutes?
Dogecyanide: hope so
monika_luv: we're starting in like 5
ZackInTheBoxx: gl doge this should be fun
ZackInTheBoxx: ok cool


Top Ratings
1679 - Dansta2106
Top Times This Month
57:30 - BusterDoggy