
SMO Any% Div D Goaterwest vs Doom

1:14:45 - doomking2101
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
Goaterwest_ finished the race - 1:36:11
Goaterwest_Bowser | 1:28:01 | 91%
doomking2101 finished the race - 1:14:45
Goaterwest_Ruin | 1:14:00 | 78%
doomking2101mech | 1:08:28 | 92%
Goaterwest_Lunchen | 1:08:14 | 73%
doomking2101bowser | 1:04:26 | 86%
Goaterwest_seaside | 59:09 | 65%
doomking2101ruin | 58:49 | 78%
doomking2101lunch | 55:26 | 74%
Goaterwest_snow | 54:41 | 59%
Goaterwest_Metro ( day) | 48:29 | 52%
Goaterwest_Metro (night) | 47:55 | 49%
doomking2101sea | 47:04 | 63%
doomking2101snow | 42:42 | 57%
doomking2101daytro | 36:31 | 49%
Goaterwest_Lost | 33:16 | 37%
doomking2101nightro | 30:42 | 42%
Goaterwest_Cloud | 27:41 | 32%
doomking2101lost | 26:36 | 36%
Goaterwest_Wooden | 25:24 | 29%
doomking2101cloud | 23:51 | 32%
doomking2101wooded | 21:58 | 30%
Goaterwest_Lake | 17:11 | 20%
doomking2101lake | 15:04 | 21%
Goaterwest_Sand | 13:25 | 15%
doomking2101sand | 11:55 | 16%
Goaterwest_Cascade | 06:19 | 7%
doomking2101cascade | 06:10 | 8%
doomking2101cap | 02:44 | 4%
Goaterwest_Cap | 02:38 | 3%
Race has started
Countdown started!
Race was started by TwelveSeven
TwelveSeven has left the race
doomking2101 is ready
Goaterwest_ is ready
Goaterwest_ has joined the race
doomking2101 has joined the race
TwelveSeven has joined the race
Race was created


Top Ratings
1679 - Dansta2106
Top Times This Month
57:30 - BusterDoggy
PB - 1:10:581500Done

PB - 1:27:141500Done

Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
Goaterwest_ finished the race - 1:36:11
Goaterwest_Bowser | 1:28:01 | 91%
doomking2101 finished the race - 1:14:45
Goaterwest_Ruin | 1:14:00 | 78%
doomking2101mech | 1:08:28 | 92%
Goaterwest_Lunchen | 1:08:14 | 73%
doomking2101bowser | 1:04:26 | 86%
Goaterwest_seaside | 59:09 | 65%
doomking2101ruin | 58:49 | 78%
doomking2101lunch | 55:26 | 74%
Goaterwest_snow | 54:41 | 59%
Goaterwest_Metro ( day) | 48:29 | 52%
Goaterwest_Metro (night) | 47:55 | 49%
doomking2101sea | 47:04 | 63%
doomking2101snow | 42:42 | 57%
doomking2101daytro | 36:31 | 49%
Goaterwest_Lost | 33:16 | 37%
doomking2101nightro | 30:42 | 42%
Goaterwest_Cloud | 27:41 | 32%
doomking2101lost | 26:36 | 36%
Goaterwest_Wooden | 25:24 | 29%
doomking2101cloud | 23:51 | 32%
doomking2101wooded | 21:58 | 30%
Goaterwest_Lake | 17:11 | 20%
doomking2101lake | 15:04 | 21%
Goaterwest_Sand | 13:25 | 15%
doomking2101sand | 11:55 | 16%
Goaterwest_Cascade | 06:19 | 7%
doomking2101cascade | 06:10 | 8%
doomking2101cap | 02:44 | 4%
Goaterwest_Cap | 02:38 | 3%
Race has started
Countdown started!
Race was started by TwelveSeven
TwelveSeven has left the race
doomking2101 is ready
Goaterwest_ is ready
Goaterwest_ has joined the race
doomking2101 has joined the race
TwelveSeven has joined the race
Race was created


Top Ratings
1679 - Dansta2106
Top Times This Month
57:30 - BusterDoggy