
120 for funsies

1:43:10 - KrazyFF
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
SlashArbiter finished the race - 2:15:09
SlashArbiterGnasty Gnorc | 2:10:32 | 92%
nonsonojaime commented: "Was on pb pace, missed a gem in Lofty = pain "
Jayobean confirmed their time - 2:04:49
Jayobean commented: "i stole gnasty's loot"
Jayobean finished the race - 2:04:49
SlashArbiter-Twilight Harbor | 2:04:12 | 91%
JayobeanGnasty Gnorc | 2:00:34 | 97%
SlashArbiter-Gnorc Cove) | 2:00:08 | 88%
JayobeanTwilight Harbor | 1:56:09 | 94%
SlashArbiterDream Weavers | 1:54:42 | 83%
SlashArbiter-Jacques | 1:54:25 | 81%
nonsonojaime abandoned the race
JayobeanGnorc Cove | 1:52:30 | 90%
SlashArbiter-Lofty Castle | 1:46:57 | 77%
JayobeanGnorc Cove | 1:46:57 | 90%
JayobeanJacques | 1:46:38 | 86%
KrazyFF confirmed their time - 1:43:10
KrazyFF commented: "surely i just fell asleep for 15 minutes"
nonsonojaimeIcy meat-a ball | 1:43:48 | 73%
KrazyFF finished the race - 1:43:10
JayobeanLofty Castle | 1:40:59 | 82%
SlashArbiter-Icy Flight | 1:40:32 | 72%
nonsonojaimeDumb Passage | 1:40:09 | 70%
KrazyFFGnasty Gnorc | 1:39:50 | 98%
SlashArbiter-Dark Passage | 1:36:45 | 70%
JayobeanIcy Flight | 1:34:59 | 76%
nonsonojaimeRhapsody of Fire | 1:34:05 | 66%
JayobeanDark Passage | 1:32:50 | 75%
KrazyFFTwilight Harbor | 1:32:38 | 94%
SlashArbiter-Haunted Towers | 1:31:03 | 65%
KrazyFFGnorc Cove | 1:27:40 | 90%
JayobeanHaunted Towers | 1:27:23 | 71%
nonsonojaimeLikely dead run | 1:27:12 | 61%
nonsonojaimeI may like Morbid Angel | 1:25:53 | 60%
SlashArbiterBeast Makers | 1:23:52 | 60%
SlashArbiter-Metalhead | 1:22:40 | 59%
KrazyFFJacques | 1:22:38 | 86%
KrazyFFJacques | 1:22:24 | 86%
JayobeanBeast Makers | 1:21:39 | 65%
JayobeanMetalhead | 1:21:24 | 65%
nonsonojaimeCharge the fuck outta here | 1:21:15 | 56%
KrazyFFLofty Castle | 1:18:43 | 82%
SlashArbiter-Tree Tops | 1:17:56 | 56%
JayobeanTree Tops | 1:16:11 | 61%
nonsonojaimeMilano Malpensa | 1:15:50 | 52%


Top Ratings
1664 - KrazyFF
Top Times This Month
1:23:11 - dayoman
1:23:20 - Adamthedragon1
1:28:19 - zingochris
PB - 1:30:411664+35Done

"surely i just fell asleep for 15 minutes"
PB - 1:46:501501+35Done

"i stole gnasty's loot"
PB - 2:21:011510+10Done

PB - 2:22:011470-30DNF

Abandoned - 1:54:07
"Was on pb pace, missed a gem in Lofty = pain "
PB - 1:18:191562-50DNF

Abandoned - 15:48
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
SlashArbiter finished the race - 2:15:09
SlashArbiterGnasty Gnorc | 2:10:32 | 92%
nonsonojaime commented: "Was on pb pace, missed a gem in Lofty = pain "
Jayobean confirmed their time - 2:04:49
Jayobean commented: "i stole gnasty's loot"
Jayobean finished the race - 2:04:49
SlashArbiter-Twilight Harbor | 2:04:12 | 91%
JayobeanGnasty Gnorc | 2:00:34 | 97%
SlashArbiter-Gnorc Cove) | 2:00:08 | 88%
JayobeanTwilight Harbor | 1:56:09 | 94%
SlashArbiterDream Weavers | 1:54:42 | 83%
SlashArbiter-Jacques | 1:54:25 | 81%
nonsonojaime abandoned the race
JayobeanGnorc Cove | 1:52:30 | 90%
SlashArbiter-Lofty Castle | 1:46:57 | 77%
JayobeanGnorc Cove | 1:46:57 | 90%
JayobeanJacques | 1:46:38 | 86%
KrazyFF confirmed their time - 1:43:10
KrazyFF commented: "surely i just fell asleep for 15 minutes"
nonsonojaimeIcy meat-a ball | 1:43:48 | 73%
KrazyFF finished the race - 1:43:10
JayobeanLofty Castle | 1:40:59 | 82%
SlashArbiter-Icy Flight | 1:40:32 | 72%
nonsonojaimeDumb Passage | 1:40:09 | 70%
KrazyFFGnasty Gnorc | 1:39:50 | 98%
SlashArbiter-Dark Passage | 1:36:45 | 70%
JayobeanIcy Flight | 1:34:59 | 76%
nonsonojaimeRhapsody of Fire | 1:34:05 | 66%
JayobeanDark Passage | 1:32:50 | 75%
KrazyFFTwilight Harbor | 1:32:38 | 94%
SlashArbiter-Haunted Towers | 1:31:03 | 65%
KrazyFFGnorc Cove | 1:27:40 | 90%
JayobeanHaunted Towers | 1:27:23 | 71%
nonsonojaimeLikely dead run | 1:27:12 | 61%
nonsonojaimeI may like Morbid Angel | 1:25:53 | 60%
SlashArbiterBeast Makers | 1:23:52 | 60%
SlashArbiter-Metalhead | 1:22:40 | 59%
KrazyFFJacques | 1:22:38 | 86%
KrazyFFJacques | 1:22:24 | 86%
JayobeanBeast Makers | 1:21:39 | 65%
JayobeanMetalhead | 1:21:24 | 65%
nonsonojaimeCharge the fuck outta here | 1:21:15 | 56%
KrazyFFLofty Castle | 1:18:43 | 82%
SlashArbiter-Tree Tops | 1:17:56 | 56%
JayobeanTree Tops | 1:16:11 | 61%
nonsonojaimeMilano Malpensa | 1:15:50 | 52%


Top Ratings
1664 - KrazyFF
Top Times This Month
1:23:11 - dayoman
1:23:20 - Adamthedragon1
1:28:19 - zingochris